Best Hearing Aid Prices
Hearing aid prices in oman
Available near you in Muscat, Al Hail, Sarooj, Hamriya, Mabela Sohar, Suwaiq, Ibri, Nizwa, Sur, Salalah, Buraiemi
We often see that everyone when dispensing Hearing Aids focuses more on the prices, as it seems attractive to clients too. But if this approach is right? Or we should be considering other more important factors, considering Hearing Aids are medical devices that can affect your health and Hearing severely if not selected properly.

There are several factors based on which the selection of Hearing aids is done for the individuals. Pricing is one of the factors but there are very important clinical factors to decide what type and technology of the Hearing Aid will be suitable to the individual. It is very important to look into these factors else the client never gets satisfied with the devices.
Below are a few factors listed that are taken into consideration when the technology of Hearing aids is identified for the individual.
- Degree of Hearing Loss
- Type of Hearing Loss
- Slope of Audiogram
- Frequency response in the Audiogram
- Work environment of the client
- Age of the client
- Activity level of the individual
Above all, it is very important to try out Hearing aids before buying them.
The prices of Hearing Aids in Muscat, Oman can vary from RO.200 to RO.2500. Indeed buying the Hearing Aid should not be the only factor.
Beyond clinical reasons, several essential factors are to be considered while buying a hearing aid for yourself or your loved ones.
- Is the center MOH approved for dispensing the Hearing Aids?
- Is the person dispensing the Hearing Aids qualified to do so?
- Is the person dispensing a MOH-certified clinician?
- Is the Center easily accessible to you?
- Is the center fully equipped to handle the devices?
- Will the center provide you with loaner devices in case your device has some issues?
- How quick is the turnaround time in case any issue arises in the devices?
- Does the center have a branch in your city or a nearby city that is easily accessible to you?
- Do they have an in-house ear mold-making, servicing, and repairing Lab?
- Do they provide you with free services at regular intervals with Hearing testing and Programming?
As Hearing Aids do need services and maintenance at regular intervals, you should always buy hearing aids from a place nearest to you, You might not know when you will need support in case the need arises.
We with our 10 easily accessible locations across Oman are near to you in any emergency situation of your need.

We do provide service, maintenance, programming, and repair support for all major brands of Hearing Aids i.e. SIGNIA, WIDEX, AM, Rexton, Phonak, GN Resound, Starkey, Unitron, Starkey, Oticon, Intertone, and all others.